Looking for the Swiss Wind Energy R&D Network? We’ve moved to www.windenergynetwork.ch
Looking for the Swiss Wind Energy R&D Network? We’ve moved to www.windenergynetwork.ch
Looking for the Swiss Wind Energy R&D Network? We’ve moved to www.windenergynetwork.ch
Looking for the Swiss Wind Energy R&D Network? We’ve moved to www.windenergynetwork.ch

EDP Challenges space

This was the first challenge carried out within the WeDoWind Wind Energy Ecosystem in 2021. The challenge is no longer active but you can still sign up to see the documentation of the challenge and the results.
We published a paper about the results, which is available here. The abstract is copied below:
In the next decade, further digitalisation of the entire wind energy project lifecycle is expected to be a major driver for reducing project costs and risks. In this paper, a literature review on the challenges related to implementation of digitalisation in the wind energy industry is first carried out, showing that there is a strong need for new solutions that enable co-innovation within and between organisations. Therefore, a new collaboration method based on a digital ecosystem is developed and demonstrated. The method is centred around specific “challenges”, which are defined by “challenge providers” within a topical “space” and made available to participants via a digital platform. The data required in order to solve a particular “challenge” are provided by the “challenge providers” under the confidentiality conditions they specify. The method is demonstrated via a case study, the EDP Wind Turbine Fault Detection Challenge. Six submitted solutions using diverse approaches are evaluated. Two of the solutions perform significantly better than EDP’s existing solution in terms of Total Prediction Costs (saving up to €120,000). The digital ecosystem is found to be a promising solution for enabling co-innovation in wind energy in general, providing a number of tangible benefits for both challenge and solution providers.

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