Exploiting the full value of data in the wind energy sector
WeDoWind is a thriving community of diverse people from the wind energy sector sharing data and knowledge and learning from each other openly.
Stop wasting 80% of your time on data wrangling...
Then co-create, publish, learn about and use semantic artefacts (machine-actionable controlled vocabularies to describe content and express relations among them) in our Information Modelling Community.
...and start using 80% of your time for creating value and insights
- Co-create and best practices for data analysis in our Data and Code Users' Community.
- Access open data in our Open Data Portal.
- Create, share and compare methodologies in our Knowledge and Data Sharing Community.
- Define and access industry-developed reference methods in our Knowledge and Data Sharing Community.
- Access open code in our Open Code Portal.
Data owners, use the power of the community
- Publish sample data sets in return for a WeDoWind «challenge» in our Knowledge and Data Sharing Community.
- Access guidelines for publishing and sharing your code in our Open Data and Code Community.
- Define and access industry-developed reference methods in our Knowledge and Data Sharing Community.
Use synergies to your advantage
- Create an attractive profile, take part in WeDoWind challenges in our Knowledge and Data Sharing Community and access our Job Portal.
- Follow activity in all our communities, directly contact individuals and post openings in our Job Portal.
- Browse the teaching material in our Knowledge and Data Sharing Community, or add your own material.
- Interact with domain experts by asking questions in our Open Data and Code Community.
- Create a new working group within one of our communities using our template.
- Use our community template to build your own community platform.
Contribute financial support
We are looking for opportunities to cover our running costs as well as expand to other applications. Contact us or donate directly below.
Hear from some participants
WeDoWind is an amazing opportunity to ask the world to explore our open source data and see the magic take place.
– Imad Abdallah, CEO and Co-Founder of RTDT Laboratories AG, Advisory Board member of WeDoWind (CH)
WeDoWind provides an open and friendly platform to connect and collaborate with a diverse range of industry experts on interesting technical topics. It is a great forum for learning about methods others are developing, getting feedback on new ideas and developing new approaches collaboratively.
– Christian Jonsson, KUDO Software, Working Group member of WeDoWind (DE)
WeDoWind brought together the group of experts and helped build a community to discuss and research the important issue of wind turbine power curves and the associated turbine performance analysis solutions.
– Prof. Yu Ding, Georgia Tech, challenge provider of WeDoWind (US)
WeDoWind encourages open collaboration within the industry. By focusing on sharing data and technical solutions, WeDoWind can provide increased efficiency in wind turbine data science. I support WeDoWind because companies are continuing to solve the same problems internally, when open source strategies and approaches would allow companies to focus on innovation.
– Jonathan Kossuth, WindESCo, Advisory Board member of WeDoWind (US)
WeDoWind provides the ideal training ground for wind turbine analysis methods and tools. A promising method can be improved by learning from others in an open environment, and only show its true worth when tested using real data from real wind turbines.
– Håkan Johansson, Chalmers Institute of Technology, challenge provider of WeDoWind (SE)
Shaping the energy transition is a life's work. This transformation is being driven forward and implemented by people for future generations. I am firmly convinced that it can only succeed if data is shared and people work together openly. That is why I am happy to be part of the initiative and, as a non-engineer, support the human side of change.
– Anne Hegemann, badenova AG, Advisory Board member of WeDoWind (DE)
I support WeDoWind because it opens a unique space where diverse view points on wind energy science and engineering can be openly discussed. And I believe this is important and useful.
– Samuel Davoust, Tipspeed, Advisory Board member of WeDoWind (FR)
I have always wanted to see more collaboration in the wind industry, and strongly believe that together everyone achieves more. WeDoWind is facilitating cross industry teamwork, bringing together an eclectic group of academics, researchers, consultants, asset managers, wind farm owners and others, who can help drive the industry forward. Hence my desire to support WeDoWind as an Advisory Board member.
– Charlie Plumley, Nuveen Infrastructure, Advisory Board member of WeDoWind (UK)
I really enjoy running the WeDoWind Open Data Exploration space. There are always interesting discussion, it’s a nice friendly environment, we’ve run projects together, and as well as some significant results I’ve learnt a lot from the group. I always wanted to see more collaboration and sharing in the industry, and WeDoWind is helping achieve just that!
– Charlie Plumley, Nuveen Infrastructure, challenge provider of WeDoWind (UK)
Our success stories
Paper: Enabling Co-Innovation for a Successful Digital Transformation in Wind Energy Using a New Digital Ecosystem and a Fault Detection Case Study
Paper: Best Practice Data Sharing Guidelines for Wind Turbine Fault Detection Model Evaluation
Paper: Can data sharing really provide added value? Practical data sharing recommendations for the wind energy sector
Paper: Improving data sharing in wind energy - structural health monitoring case study
Paper: Knowledge engineering for wind energy
Other sectors
WeDoWind is based on WeDoData, a Blueprint for an inclusive open innovation ecosystem developed by the Wind Energy Innovation Division of the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, which can be applied to create thriving communities of diverse people sharing data and knowledge and learning from each other openly in any sector or organisation.
Learn more about the WeDoData Blueprint
We are passionate about open innovation and data sharing
WeDoWind was founded by Sarah Barber at the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, with lots of inspiration and inputs from an Advisory Board and a Working Group.