Start sharing data today!

May 15th, 2023
04:00 PM - 05:00 PM CET

Interested in sharing data or collaborating internationally? Wondering out how to get started? Then join this webinar!

In the webinar, we will introduce WeDoWind, a framework for bringing asset owners together with researchers and model developers in a "win-win" situation, whereby asset owners get easy access to state-of-the-art data analytics and model developers get access to relevant asset data to train and validate their models. It is based on industry-provided challenges, which are coordinated through digital spaces. Multiple digital spaces form branch-specific ecosystems of collaborators. It can be applied in any sector.
After the introduction, we will hear from some users and then hold a Q&A session. Finally, we will announce a "call for Advisory Board members". We would love to discuss your use cases and get your feedback!

Programme (times in CEST)

Introduction to WeDoWind (Sarah Barber)
Reports of experience with WeDoWind by previous challenge participants:
  • Prof. Yu Ding, challenge provider of the Data-Driven Turbine Performance Analysis space (Texas A&M University, USA)
  • Charlie Plumley, challenge provider of the Cubico Open Data Exploration space (Cubico Sustainable Developments, UK)
  • Dr. Imad Abdallah, challenge provider of the RTDT Research Affiliate Programme space (RTDT Laboratories, CH)
  • Daniel Heid, challenge provider of the WinJi Failure Detection Challenge (WinJi AG, CH)
  • Arthur Girard, participant in the Data-Driven Turbine Performance Analysis space (ETH Zurich, CH)
  • Malcolm Heath, participant in the Cubico Open Data Exploration space (DNV GL, UK)
  • Prof. Yoshiaki Sakagami, previous participant in the EDP Fault Detection Challenge and the WinJi Gearbox Fault Detection Challenge (Federal Institute of Santa Catarina, Brazil)
  • Dr. Frank Sehnke, previous participant in the WinJi Gearbox Fault Detection Challenge (Zentrum für Sonnenenergie- und Wasserstoff-Forschung, DE)
Questions and discussion

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